Saturday, February 21, 2009

CVS Trip - 2/20/09

Being that it's Mardi Gras season around here, I got to leave work early yesterday so I took the opportunity to get in some CVS shopping.

I did 3 transactions in 2 different stores. Here's what I got.

Transaction No. 1:
2 Neutrogena soaps
$2.99 each = $5.98
- 2 ECB
Total: $3.98 + tax
Earned 10 ECBs
Transaction No. 2:
4 Diet Coke 12-packs
1 Tylenol
- 4 $1.00 MyCokeRewards coupons
- 10 ECB
Total: $6.00 + tax
Earned 10 ECBs
***I had a small accident bringing the 12-packs to the register as you can tell by the picture.
Transaction No. 3:
2 Wheat Thins
6 Suave Body Washes
1 Suave Kids Shampoo
2 Herbal Essences Conditioners
2 Herbal Essences Stylers
$1.99 x 6
$2.99 x 2
$2.99 x 2
- $2.00 MQ
- $1.50 MQ
- $1.00 MQ
- $1.00 MQ
- $3.00 MQ
- $3.00 MQ
- $1.00 CVS coupon off Shampoo or Conditioner
1 $10 ECBs
Total: $8.40 + tax
Earned: 8 ECBs

Thursday, February 19, 2009


It's official, one of my resolutions for this year is already busted. I wanted to blog more, I had every intention of blogging more, I even gather all my receipts after my shopping trips to blog about them, but alas, it's not working. One reason, I'm not shopping as much. The second reason, as the title of my blog implies, I'm a Working Hard Mom.

Between being a dedicated employee, attentive mom and dutiful housekeeper, blogging has not been a priority (or even on the list of priorities). I'm trying to find my groove so I can do more of the things that I WANT to do in addition to the things I HAVE to do.

I can tell you that the last couple of times I have gone to CVS, I've gotten compliments from the cashiers on the little bit of money I'm spending for the items that I'm purchasing, so I think I'm following the right path with being frugal - at least so far this year.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Day

I wanted to share with you an easy treat that I made last year and plan on making again this year for Valentine's Day. I saw this recipe for Santa Hats and modified it. Instead of shaping the meringue into hats, I shaped them into hearts. They came out perfect.

I just made some home made ice cream which called for 8 egg yokes, so now I can use the whites for this.